Oahu Street Art

What is the meaning behind the street art around Oahu, Hawai’i?

The collections that are included within these digital archives are to showcase the beauty and history of the artwork that is displayed throughout the island of Oahu. This island enjoys turning boring looking objects such as mailboxes or electrical boxes into art. This collection will showcase the variety of art you can enjoy while being on the island of Oahu. I have personally taken every single one of the images that are being displayed throughout this site. Every image has a story behind it, and I hope all visitors of this digital archive enjoys the meaning of each one.

Link to my personal collection on Omeka: http://ashleymorgan.oucreate.com/cms/collections/show/1

Examples of some of the street art

Oahu is a special place that uses art in order to preserve and represent the island culture and way of life. Street art is replicating the already bright colors throughout the island and revamping plain objects such as garages, mailboxes, walls, electrical boxes and more. The artwork that you will see on the island of Oahu showcases the rich heritage that originated in Hawai’i. This includes artwork of traditional musical instruments (ukulele), leis, honu (turtles), surfing, outrigger canoeing, etc. This collection will showcase the variety of art you can enjoy while being on the island of Oahu.







4 thoughts on “Oahu Street Art

  1. Cody Carpenter says:

    Hello Ashley!

    This is a really fascinating project and collection! I think it’s interesting that this sort of street art is so widespread in Hawai’i. I especially like the Outrigger Canoe art that has transformed a normal electrical box into a stunning, creative canvas.

    The Hawaiian Flowers art is a good example of how form and function don’t have to be mutually exclusive. Businesses can integrate with local culture and still be able to flourish – indeed, integrating and celebrating the local culture would only seem to help that goal!

    These were all wonderful photos, and I’m glad you chose to share them with us. If it’s not too presumptuous, I’d like to borrow a saying – “Good vibes only!”

  2. Emily Crawford says:

    Wow, just when I thought Hawaii couldn’t be any cooler or more pretty! I wish more states took the approach of turning ordinary objects into something pretty. Everything seems so uniform, especially living in suburban areas and with such strict laws about graffiti. That’s so cool that you got to personally take all of these photos as well, I’ve been dying to go to Hawaii. I loved all of the art, but I would have to say my favorites were the Tattoos & Street Art piece and the Outrigger Canoe! I’m just always in awe of how creative and talented people can be.

  3. Olivia says:

    Ashley, this is so pretty and so interesting. I appreciate the level of though you put into this project. I also think that it is amazing that you took every single one of these pictures. I feel like this adds a deeper connection to your project. Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed looking at your Omeka site!

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