
Global Digital Humanities and Global Cultural Heritage

Critical-Analytical Reflection The goal of this blog post is to go through my personal thought/learning process of understanding what global digital humanities and global cultural heritage is. As well as the realization of the imbalance of representation between the Global North and Global South. I signed up for this course with the general understanding of Read More


The American Indian Movement in Oklahoma

Unit D: Indigenous Cultural Heritage and Digitization For this unit we examined Indigenous culture, with a focus on Native Americans. One of the key highlights was what is referred to as the “Trope of the Vanishing Indian”. The idea behind this phrase is that Native Americans have disappeared or are disappearing at an alarming rate, Read More


Oahu Street Art

What is the meaning behind the street art around Oahu, Hawai’i? The collections that are included within these digital archives are to showcase the beauty and history of the artwork that is displayed throughout the island of Oahu. This island enjoys turning boring looking objects such as mailboxes or electrical boxes into art. This collection Read More


Wikimedia Imagery

Uploaded imagery onto Wikimedia of the active Kīlauea – Volcano Hawaiʻi Volcanoes National Park: The extraordinary natural diversity of the park was recognized in 1980 when it was named a World Biosphere Site by UNESCO and in 1987 when the park was honored as a World Heritage Site. “UNESCO World Heritage sites are Read More


3D Photogrammetry

Wow 3D photos are no joke and took a lot of adjusting. It was a fun program though! I decided to use REDARD3D and the tutorial on their site after downloading their program. Here are my first 3 versions of the castle: 3. Here is an image to see what the program looks like: Read More


The Inside Scoop…

Aloha everyone! My name is Ashley and I am beyond fashionably late to the introduction party. I am currently getting my Master’s in International Relations and after this course I will only have 2 more left. (Finally the light at the end of the tunnel) I am currently stationed in Honolulu, Hawai’i. I was born Read More


The hidden truth behind the Dole Plantation and the overthrow of the kingdom of Hawai’i

“The depiction of Dole as a twentieth-century American success story obscures a deeper history of violence and imperialism.” We have learned how lost/excluded texts began to be published on the internet, some developed by scholars, others by fans, and still others by libraries and museums as stated by Amy Earhart. She mentions how there is Read More